VENTURA Collection by Hamilton Watches
July 29, 2016
Elvis Presley first wore the Hamilton Ventura in the 1961 film Blue Hawaii.
Hamilton then decided to make a watch as a faithful tribute to King of Rock and Roll, which made watch-making history as the world’s first electrical, battery-powered watch.
The Hamilton Ventura, with its asymmetric triangular case broke the mould.
The Hamilton Ventura Elvis80 Auto breaks challenging new technical and design ground with its steeply sloped crystal and curved dial, contemporary case architecture and intricate attachment fixture.
Stunning contemporary case architecture, intricate design detail and an asymmetric attachment fixture are teamed with a Swiss quartz movement to make a clearly modern statement.
Attached by a black leather band , the watch sits comfortably on the wrist. Just as Elvis’s fusion of country music and rhythm and blues was way ahead of its time, this unisex watch has its eye firmly fixed on the future.
More Watches from the Ventura Collection. You can choose between black rubber, black leather, or a cleverly integrated bracelet that features unusually shaped articulation points to ensure the case flows seamlessly into the bracelet.
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